Friday, March 30, 2007

Crystal had a good day yesterday. She was off the monitors most of the day, and the contractions had slowed down quite a bit. At noon yesterday, she had dilated to 4cm.

We woke up this morning around 5:30 am with her first contraction. (They gave her a sleep aid last night, and she slept through most of the contractions.) From the time she woke up to around 8:30, the contractions were around 10-15 minutes apart. Since they were getting more frequent, they put her back on the monitors and gave her Demerol and Phenegren to try to calm her body and delay delivery for a few more days. At this point, they will not give her the magnesium sulfate, which stops the contractions altogether. The doctor said this morning that she would need to stay here until she delivers. There really is no timeline, so it could be today, a week from now, or longer depending on what her body does. We believe the most likely scenario is that she will deliver within the next few days to a week.

Both Crystal and Brayson are doing well as far as vitals go. Crystal is in and out of sleep right now and probably will be for most of the day. She is a trooper and is handling everything well. She has said more than once that she has a peace about everything. Thank you all for your prayers; they mean so much to us.



At 2:49 PM, Blogger Christy said...

Crystal and Jeremy you guys are both in my prayers. Please let me know if there is anything I can do. Don't hesitate to ask. I am VERY close by:)

At 12:17 AM, Blogger Lisa said...

Thanks so much for keeping us posted. We are praying all the time for you guys. Let us know if there is anything you need and, Jeremy, you try to get some rest too!
God bless!


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