Thursday, March 29, 2007

Crystal went into preterm labor (2 months early) Tuesday night around 11:00. She was in Magnolia visiting her parents. She was taken to UAMS Wednesday morning around 9:30, where we are currently. They gave her medication to slow the contractions, but once the medicine wore off (around 4pm), she started having them again. At this point she was 3cm dilated. They continued the medication last night, and when they checked this morning at 5am, she was up to 4cm dilated. From what I can gather, they are just delaying the delivery as long as possible, but it will likely be in the next week (if the contractions do not stop on their own).

The good news is, since Crystal is 31-32 weeks along, Brayson is plenty developed to be healthy in the likely case we have to deliver in the coming days. If this happens, Brayson will likely need to stay in the NICU for up to 4 weeks, until he is developed enough to breath, feed, etc. on his own. He is currently 3.5 - 4 lbs.

Crystal is doing fine and is in good spirits. The medication makes her have hot/cold flashes and nausea.

Crystal will be trying to keep up with email and voicemail as much as possible, but this will all depend on how she's feeling from day to day. We appreciate everyone's prayers and understanding during this time.




At 9:34 AM, Blogger Alison B. said...

Oh my goodness Crystal & Jeremy. My prayers are with you guys and little Brayson.

At 11:38 AM, Blogger Jasmine said...

Crystal and Jeremy...I'm praying for you both! If God wants the baby out now, it's just for the world to enjoy him sooner! :)


At 1:41 PM, Blogger nicole green said...

you guys will be in my thoughts! all my best to you guys and your new baby. i hope things go alright! <3 <3

At 1:50 PM, Blogger Daniel J. Watkins said...

Jeremy & Crystal -- we'll be praying for all of you (baby too!). Our daughter was born at 31 weeks and spent 86 days in the NICU. Take a notebook with you, Jeremy, and write down everything the docs and nurses tell you -- you'll have tons of questions that you'll have to ask on Crystal's behalf, and your job is to write down who told you what and to keep track of the questions you have. Don't be shy -- ask many questions and don't settle for an answer that you feel isn't detailed enough.

Your son sounds like he's at a nice healthy size, though he might have to be on a breathing tube for a little while (boy premies tend to have less developed lungs than girl premies, not sure why), as well as a feeding tube -- premies often burn more calories trying to feed by mouth than they get from the food so they might have to feed him by tube for a while.

There are a number of OSPers who have also had premies so rest assured you've got a great support group and tons of people praying for all three of you!

-- Dan

At 12:26 AM, Blogger Daniel J. Watkins said...

And...Crystal, if you are bored waiting in the hospital (and surfing -- hospital wifi is so nice, isn't it?) can check out this video we made of our little girl after her 3 months in the NICU...the day she came home -- it was the best day of our lives!

It was great chatting with you today and to hear that you are in great spirits ready for this new challenge. :)


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